St Barnabas Pre-School
Play, learn and grow together.
In our nursery room we can take 16 children aged 3 to 4 years.
The routine begins with free choice play in the nursery room. During this time, the snack bar will be open. Group time is around 11am and then the children go outside in the garden. At 12, some children go home and the others go back upstairs for lunch. After lunch, the children have free choice play again. Group time will take place at 2pm. To finish the day, the children will play in the garden again.
Activities are planned around the children's interests and are designed to promote their learning and development within the 7 areas of learning. Adult led activities will take place throughout the sessions.
Kerrie is the Senior Practitioner and manages the nursery room alongside Tracey. The children are supported by Carole, Najwaa, Holly and Sam.
Our first topic will be All about me.